Authors - Dipti Sharma, Om Sharma, John C MacDonald, Anjani Kumar, Rajeev Gupta, Ashok Kumar, Rajendra K. Shukla, Title of paper - Reporting Three Unique “Induced Glass Transitions” (IGTS) Appeared in GeSSb glassy Alloys using DSC, Name of the Journal - International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Vol. &Year - 12 (2023), Pages/DOI - 27-39
Authors - Anjani Kumar, S. Shukla, S. Kumar and Rajeev Gupta, Title of paper-Estimation of linear optical parameters in Ge25S75-xSbx (x=0,10) chalcogenides for recent optical applications
Name of the Journal - AIP Conf. Proc. In Press (2023)
Authors - Anjani Kumar, S. Shukla, R. K. Shukla and Rajeev Gupta, Title of paper - Evaluation of nonlinear optical parameters of Se40As60-xSx (x=10, 20) chalcogenide thin films for photonic applications, Name of the Journal - Indian Journal of Physics, Vol. &Year – 97 (2023), Pages/DOI – 1093-1099
Authors - Anjani Kumar, R.K. Shukla and Rajeev Gupta, Title of paper - Study of optical parameters of sulphur doped Se-As thin films as optical materials, Name of the Journal - Optik, Vol. &Year - 243 (2021), Pages/DOI - 167447(1-10).
Authors - Anjani Kumar, S. Shukla, Sudhir K. Sharma, S. Kumar, R. K. Shukla and Rajeev Gupta
Title of paper - Optical characterization of Sb doped Se-In thin films glassy system and its applications in optical devices, Name of the Journal - International Journal of Community Science & Technology, Vol. &Year - 4 (2021), Pages/DOI – 38-43
Authors - Anjani Kumar, Rajeev Gupta, Ashok Kumar, Rajendra K. Shukla, Title of paper - Light Induced Effects and Defects in Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductors: A Review
Name of the Journal-Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. & Year 102(2019) 103056-103062
Authors - Anjani Kumar, S. Shukla, Surya K.Tripathi, R.K. Shukla, Rajeev Gupta, Title of paper Impact of Ag Content on the light induced defects of Se-In thin films and their suitability for optoelectronic devices, Name of the Journal - AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. &Year - 2265 (2020), Pages/DOI – 030232
Authors - S. Shukla, Anjani Kumar, S. Kumar, R.K. Shukla, Title of paper - Spectral dependence Transmittance of a-Se-In thin films: Applicability in Optical devices, Name of the Journal - AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. &Year - 2115 (2019), Pages/DOI- 030262
Authors -Anjani Kumar, S. Shukla, R.K. Shukla and Rajeev Gupta, Title of paper - Suitability of bulk samples/thin films in Ag doped Se-Sb chalcogenide glassy system for device applications, Name of the Journal - AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. &Year - 2115 (2019), Pages/DOI – 030264
Authors R. Mishra, Anjani Kumar, D. Kumar, S. Shukla and R. K. Shukla, Title of paper - The peculiar role of the third element Indium in Density of Defect States of a-Se90Ge10 Thin Films, Name of the Journal - Materials Focus, Vol. &Year - 6 (2017), Pages/DOI - 442-445
Authors - Anjani Kumar, D. Kumar, S. K. Tripathi, R. K. Shukla and A. Kumar, Title of paper - Role of Ag Additives on Light Induced Metastable Defects in Se-In Glassy System
Name of the Journal - Journal of Taibah University for Science, Vol. &Year-11 (2017), Pages/DOI - 1289-1295
Authors - Anjani Kumar, S. Shukla and R.K. Shukla, Title of paper - Electrical Photoelectrical and Optical Properties of Selenium Rich Chalcogenide Glasses: A Review, Name of the Journal - Materials Focus, Vol. &Year - 6(2017), Pages/DOI - 415-423
Authors - Anjani Kumar, S. K. Tripathi and A. Kumar, Title of paper - A Quantitative Approach for the Determination of Light Induced Defects in a-Se90Sb10-xAgx Thin Films by using TSC technique, Name of the Journal - Acta Physica Polonica A Vol. &Year - 129 (2016), Pages/DOI - 1178-1188
Authors - Anjani Kumar, D. Kumar, Prabhat K. Dwivedi and A. Kumar, Title of paper - Quantitative investigation of light induced defects in glassy Se90Ag10 thin films, Name of the Journal - AIP Conf. Proc, Vol. &Year - 1731 (2016), Pages/DOI – 070023
Authors - Anjani Kumar, Prabhat K. Dwivedi, R. K. Shukla and A. Kumar, Title of paper - A Comparative Study of the Density of Defect States in Bulk Samples and ThinFilms of Glassy Se90Sb10, Name of the Journal-Pramana, Vol. &Year-86 (2016) Pages/DOI-1099
Authors - N. K. Singh, Anjani Kumar, D. Kumar and S. Shukla, Title of paper Study of Semiconducting Parameters in Dark as well as in Presence of Light for Se90X10 (X= In, Ag) Thin films, Name of the Journal - AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. &Year - 1731 (2016), Pages/DOI – 07003
Authors - Anjani Kumar, D. Kumar, R. K. Shukla, A. Kumar, Title of paper - Applicability of TSC Technique to Estimate Light Induced Metastable Defects in a-Se90In2Ag8 Thin Films , Name of the Journal - Advanced Science Letters, Vol. &Year - 22 (2016), Pages/DOI - 3954-3957
Authors - Anjani Kumar and A. Kumar, Title of paper - Light Induced Metastable Defects in a- Se90X10 (X= Sb, In, Ag) Thin Films, Name of the Journal - Phase Transitions, Vol. &Year - 88 (2015), Pages/DOI – 939
Authors - N. K. Singh, Anjani Kumar, D. Kumar and S. Shukla Title of paper - Study of Photoelectrical Properties of Se90Ag10 Thin Films, Name of the Journal - J. Appl. Phy. Sci. International, Vol. &Year - 2 (2015), Pages/DOI – 30
Authors - Anjani Kumar, P. K. Dwivedi, D. Kumar and A. Kumar, Title of paper - Experimental Investigation of Light Induced Defects in Amorphous Thin Films of Se90X10 (X= Sb, In, Ag), Name of the Journal - Optik, Vol. &Year – 126 (2015), Pages/DOI – 500
Authors - Anjani Kumar, S.K. Sharma and A. Kumar Title of paper - Light Induced Defects in Se90Sb8Ag2 Thin films, Name of the Journal - European J. Advances in Engg. & Tech., Vol. &Year - 2(2015), Pages/DOI – 14
Authors - Anjani Kumar and A. Kumar, Title of paper - Space charge Limited Conduction in Se90Sb4Ag6 glassy Alloy: Observation of Meyer-Neldel Rule, Name of the Journal - Bulletine of Materials Science, Vol. &Year - 38(2015), Pages/DOI -41-44
Authors - Anjani Kumar, R. K. Shukla and A. Kumar, Title of paper - Measurement of Thermally Stimulated Currents and Estimation of Trapping Parameters in Amorphous Se90Sb8Ag2 Thin Films, Name of the Journal - Materials Focus, Vol. &Year - 4 (2015), Pages/DOI – 124
Authors - S. Shukla, Anjani Kumar and S. Kumar, Title of paper - Verification of MN Rule in Dark as well as in presence of light in a- Se90In4Sb6 thin films, Name of the Journal - AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. &Year - 1665 (2015), Pages/DOI - 070016
Authors - Anjani Kumar, R. K. Shukla and A. Kumar, Title of paper - Density of defect states in Se90Sb10-xAgx glassy alloys, Name of the Journal - Iraqi Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. &Year, 9 (2013), Pages/DOI- 25-28
Authors – Anjani Kumar and A. Kumar, Title of Paper - Dependence of Activation Energy and Pre-exponential Factor on Electric Field in Bulk Se90Sb10-xAgx glassy alloys, Name of the Journal - Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. &Year - 386C (2014), Pages/DOI- 51
Authors - Anjani Kumar and A. Kumar, Title of paper - High field conduction in glassy Se90Sb8Ag2 alloy: applicability of Meyer-Neldel Rule, Name of the Journal - AIP Conf. Proc.,6 Vol. &Year - 1591 (2014), Pages/DOI - 742-744
Authors- Anjani Kumar, S.K. Sharma and A. Kumar, Title of Paper-MN rule for thermally activated high field conduction in bulk sample of glassy Se90Sb10 alloys, Name of The Journal -ISST Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. &Year - 9 (2013), Pages/DOI - 25-27
Author(s) Name - Anjani Kumar, S. Shukla, S. Kumar and Rajeev Gupta, Title of the paper - Estimation of linear optical parameters in Ge25S75-xSbx (x=0,10) chalcogenides for recent optical applications, Name of the Conference - 66th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2022 Conference Details - Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Author(s) Name - Anjani Kumar, S. Shukla, Surya K.Tripathi, R.K. Shukla, Rajeev Gupta, Title of the paper - Impact of Ag Content on the light induced defects of Se-In thin films and their suitability for optoelectronic devices, Name of the Conference Solid State Physics, 64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2019, Conference Details - Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, India
Author(s) Name - S. Shukla, Anjani Kumar, S. Kumar, R.K. Shukla, Title of the paper - Spectral dependence Transmittance of a-Se-In thin films: Applicability in Optical devices, Name of the Conference - 63th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2018, Conference Details - Guru Jambeshwar University, Hisar, Haryana India
Author(s) Name - Anjani Kumar, S. Shukla, R.K. Shukla and Rajeev Gupta, Title of the paper - Suitability of bulk samples/thin films in Ag doped Se-Sb chalcogenide glassy system for device applications, Name of the Conference - 63th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2018, Conference Details - Guru Jambeshwar University, Hisar, Haryana India
Author(s) Name - Dipti Sharma, John C MacDonald, Anjani Kumar, Rajendra K Shukla, Title of the paper - Existence of multiple glass transition in amorphous Sb doped GeS glassy alloys, Name of the Conference - APS New England 2018 Fall Section Meeting University of Masachusett, MA, USA (2018), Conference Details - University of Masachusett, MA, USA (2018)
Author(s) Name - Dipti Sharma, John C MacDonald, Anjani Kumar, Rajendra K Shukla, Title of the paper - Observance of Induced Glass Transition in Ge S Sb Glassy Alloys, Name of the Conference - 76th New England Complex Fluid Workshop Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA (Sept 21st, 2018), Conference Details - Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA (2018)
Author(s) Name - Anjani Kumar, S.Shukla, R. K. Shukla and Rajeev Gupta, Title of the paper - Role of silver doping on defects in amorphous Se-In thin films, Name of the Conference - National conference on optics, photonics and synchrotron radiation (OPSR) for technological applications 2018,Conference Details - National conference on optics, photonics and synchrotron radiation (OPSR) for technological applications, 2018, RRCAT,Indore, India
Author(s) Name - S.Shukla, Anjani Kumar, S. Kumar, and R. K. Shukla, Title of the paper - Evaluation of density of defect states and optical band gap of vacuum evaporated a-Se90In10-xSbx thin films, Name of the Conference - National conference on optics, photonics and synchrotron radiation (OPSR) for technological applications-2018, Conference Details - National conference on optics, photonics and synchrotron radiation (OPSR) for technological applications, 2018, RRCAT,Indore, India
Author(s) Name - Anjani Kumar, Archana Singh, Vimlesh Patel, S. Shukla, R. K.Shukla, Title of the paper - Structural and Dielectrical Analysis of Aluminium Nitride Nano-crystalline materials, Name of the Conference - Conference Details - The International conference on Design, Materials & Manufacturing concerns in production of quality Engineering goods-2017, H.B.T.U., Kanpur, India, [Reference: Proceedings of The international Conf. on DMMCPQEG, March 27-29 (2017) 235-238].
Author(s) Name - Anjani Kumar, Archana Singh, R. Shyam, Sunil Kumar, S. Shukla, R. K. Shukla, Title of the paper - Structural and Dielectrical Characterization of Silicon Carbide Nano-crystalline materials, Name of the Conference - Nano Science and Nano Biotechnology-2017, Conference Details - Nano Science and Nano Biotechnology-2017, D.A.V. college, Kanpur (Affiliated to C.S.J.M. University Kanpur) India.
Author(s) Name - N. K. Singh, Anjani Kumar, D. Kumar and S. Shukla, Title of the paper - Study of Semiconducting Parameters in Dark as well as in Presence of Light for Se90X10 (X= In, Ag) Thin films, Name of the Conference - 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015, Amity University, Noida, Conference Details - 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015, Amity University, Noida, India.
Author(s) Name - Anjani Kumar, D. Kumar, Prabhat K. Dwivedi and A. Kumar, Title of the paper - Quantitative investigation of light induced defects in glassy Se90Ag10 thin films, Name of the Conference - 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015, Amity University, Noida, Conference Details - 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015, Amity University, Noida, India
Author(s) Name - S. Shukla, Anjani Kumar and S. Kumar, Title of the paper - Verification of MN Rule in Dark as well as in presence of light in a- Se90In4Sb6 thin films, Name of the Conference – 59th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2014, VIT University, Vellore., Conference Details - 59th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2014, VIT University, Vellore. India
Author(s) Name - Anjani Kumar and A. Kumar, Title of the paper - High field conduction in glassy Se90Sb8Ag2 alloy: applicability of Meyer-Neldel Rule, Name of the Conference – 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013, Thapar University, Patiyala. Conference Details - 58th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2013, Thapar University, Patiyala. India.
Authors- Dr. R. S. Baghel, Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Dr. Vipin Gupta, Dr. Anjani Kumar, Title of the Book – Physical optics & Laser ISBN:978-93-91765-22-4, Publisher - Utkarsh Publication, India.
R & D Project entitled, “Optical Characterization of Solution based thin films of Chalcogenide Materials and their suitability in optical devices.” funded by SERB(DST) Government of India of cost 19.2 Lakh successfully completed as P.I.
R & D Project entitled, “Developing Emerging Engineering Materials of non-crystalline Chalcogenides by using Thermal and Mechanical Characterizations” funded by CV Raman Minor Research Project CSJM University Kanpur, U.P. India of cost 1 Lakh CO P.I./Under working.
Worked as coordinator in KABADDI Game for M.P.E.C., M.P.G.I. Kanpur. MPGI Annual Sports Fest “ APEX-2022” to be held on 25 th to 26 th November 2022.
Working as a member of Anti ragging committee’ M.P.E.C., M.P.G.I. Kanpur From September 2022 to till now.
Worked as a member of ‘Invitation & Welcome committee’ during Centenary celebration of HBTU Kanpur in 2021.
Worked as Protocol Officer during Centenary celebration of HBTU Kanpur in 2021.
Worked as Protocol Officer during convocation-2022 in HBTU Kanpur.
Contributions as a Reviewer- Worked as Reviewer in various reputed Springer Journals, Elsevier Journals and IOP Journals
Organised by IAAM (International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden)
Attended Faculty Development programme (FDP) on the topic “application of Nanotechnology in textile Engineering”,18-23 Jan 2016, U.P.T.T.I., Kanpur, India.
Attended Training programme on the topic “Reverse Engineering & Rapid Prototyping”, 5-7 Jan 2017, H.B.T.U., Kanpur, India.
Attended Faculty Development programme (FDP) on the topic “Advance course on Antennas and microwaves”, 30th Jan – 4th Feb 2017, H.B.T.U., Kanpur, India.
Attended Faculty Development programme (FDP) on the topic “Emerging trends in food and bioprocess industries”, 6 – 11 Feb 2017, H.B.T.U., Kanpur, India.
Attended Faculty Development programme (FDP) on the topic “Recent trends in condensed matter physics”, 29 Nov– 01 Dec 2018, H.B.T.U., Kanpur, India.
Attended ACS Webinar on the topic “How to Start a Start-Up”,19 May 2021.